The 15th ICMCS will be hosted by CSU().
The ICMCS-XV Agenda has been released and is available at 本次會議由CSU舉辦在美國,有來自9個國家,126份摘要投稿有13場的口頭報告session、3場的poster,其中1場以virtual形式進行,Book of Abstracts-15th International Conference on Mesoscale Convective Systems and High-Impact Weather
Monday 05/22
Session 1: Mesoscale Convective Systems (A) (Chair: Ben Jou)
9:50 AM - 10:05 AM Pay-Liam Lin 1.4 Low Level Jets and Heavy Rainfall Events Over Taiwan Revealed from Wind Profiler Radars
Session 2: Observations, Instruments and Algorithms (A) (Chair: Gyuwon Lee)
12:20 PM - 12:35 PM Wei-Yu Chang 2.6 Analysis of the Back-building Mesoscale Convective Systems from NOCOVID-2021/TAHOPE-2022
Session 3: High Impact Weather Prediction, Data Assimilation, and Machine Learning (A) (Chair: Kazuhisa Tsuboki)
2:50 PM - 3:05 PM Kao-Shen Chung 3.4 Impact Of Ensemble Data Assimilation With Surface Moisture And Radar Data On Heavy Rainfall Forecast: A Case Study of TAHOPE–2022
3:20 PM - 3:35 PM Nghi Phuong Do 3.6 Impact of Assimilating Radar Refractivity in the Context of Ensemble Kalman Filter: Cases Study of the SoWMEX
Tuesday 05/23
Session P1: Tropical Cyclones, Observations, and Instrumentation (Lightning Session, Chair: Ting-Yu Cha)
11:37 AM -11:38 AM Pay-Liam Lin P1.3 An Insight Into the Microphysical Attributes of Northwest Pacific Tropical Cyclones
Wednesday 05/24
Session P2: Mesoscale Convective Systems and Heavy Rainfall (Lightning Session, Chair: Chelsea Nam)
11:39 AM -11:40 AM Yong-Chuan Yang P2.6 Case study of Cold-Air Damming induce Intensive Winter Precipitation in Northeast Taiwan
Session P3: Remote Poster Presentations (Lightning Session, Chair: Kristen Rasmussen)
3:38 PM - 3:39 PM Chen-Hau Lan P3.19 The Variational Retrieved Raindrop Size Distribution by Moment-based Operators from Polarimetric Radar Measurements
Thursday 05/25
Session 12 High Impact Weather Prediction, Data Assimilation, and Machine Learning (C) (Chair: Yunji Zhang)
8:15 AM - 8:30 AM Yu-Chieng Liou National Central University, Taiwan 12.2 Finding the Missing Constants on Each Horizontal Layer in Thermodynamic Retrieval using Multiple-Doppler-Radar Synthesized Winds