Chen, Y.-C., S.-H. Wang, QL. Min, Sarah Lu, Pay-Liam Lin, Neng-Hei Lin, K-S. Chung, Everette Joseph. Aerosol impacts on warm-cloud microphysics and drizzle in a moderately polluted environment. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2021 doi: 10.5194/acp-21-4487-2021. |
Chung, K.-S., H.-J. Chiu, C.-Y. Liu, M.-Y. Lin, 2020: Satellite Observation for Evaluating Cloud Properties of the Microphysical Schemes in Weather Research and Forecasting Simulation: A Case Study of the Mei-Yu Front Precipitation System. Remote Sens., 12, 3060. |
You, C.-R., K.-S. Chung*, C.-C. Tsai, 2020: Evaluating the Performance of a Convection-Permitting Model by Using Dual-Polarimetric Radar Parameters: Case Study of SoWMEX IOP8. Remote Sens., 12, 3004. |
Chung, K.-S., I.-A. Yao., 2020: Improving radar echo Lagrangian extrapolation nowcasting by blending numerical model wind information: statistical performance of 16 typhoon cases. Mon. Wea. Rev., 148. 1099-1120 |
Ke, C. Y., Chung, K. S., Chen Wang, T. C., & Liou, Y. C. (2019). Analysis of heavy rainfall and barrier-jet evolution during Mei-Yu season using multiple Doppler radar retrievals: A case study on 11 June 2012. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 71(1), 1571369. |
Chen, Li-Hsin, K.-S. Chung*., S.-C. Yang., 2019: Using an Ensemble-based Method to Analyze the Forecast Error at Convective Scale over Taiwan: A Case Study of the SOWMEX-IOP8.(利用系集法分析台灣地區中尺度對流系統預報誤差結構:SoWMEX IOP8個案) 大氣科學期刊,47(1) 30-65. (In Chinese with English abstract; * corresponding author) |
J.-W. Pan., K.-S. Chung*., H.-H. Lin, T.-C. C. Wang., I.-A. Yao ,2018年03 月。Feasibility Assessment of Applying Variational Radar Echo Tracking Method over Complex Terrain in Taiwan.(雷達回波變分追蹤法應用於臺灣複雜地形環境下之可行性評估)。 大氣科學期刊,46(1), 1-34。 |
Jacques D., W., Chang, S.-J. Baek, T. Milewski, L. Fillion, K-S. Chung, H. Ritchie, 2017: Developing a convective-scale EnKF data assimilation system for the Canadian MEOPAR project. Mon. Wea. Rev., 145, 1473–1494 |
Chang, W., K-S., Chung, L. Fillion and S.-J. Baek , 2014: Radar Data Assimilation in the Canadian High Resolution Ensemble Kalman Filter system: performance and verification with real summer cases study. Mon. Wea. Rev., 142, 2118-2138. |
Chung, K-S., W. Chang, L. Fillion, and M. Tanguay, 2013: Examination of situation dependent background error covariances at the convective scale in the context of the ensemble Kalman filter. Mon. Wea. Rev., 141, 3369-3387. |